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Girl Code Program

Addressing the Digital Landscape's Challenges: In an era where digital interactions are as significant as face-to-face ones, the need for strong values, moral integrity, and effective conflict resolution skills has never been more critical. The Girl Code Media Youth Program is designed to equip young women and girls with these essential skills, fostering a generation that is not only tech-savvy but also emotionally intelligent and socially responsible.


Our Mission: Our mission is to empower youth with a comprehensive understanding of the digital world, coupled with the development of personal and professional skills that transcend the online environment. We emphasize the importance of character-building, ethics, and conflict resolution, preparing them for both digital and real-world challenges.


Program Highlights:

  • Digital Ethics and Safety Workshops: Focusing on responsible social media use, these workshops cover online etiquette, privacy, and the ethical challenges posed by digital platforms.

  • Conflict Resolution Skills: A key component of our program is teaching effective conflict resolution, both online and in person. We equip participants with strategies to navigate disagreements and misunderstandings in a respectful, constructive manner, addressing a common issue in digital communication.

  • Values and Morals for the Modern World: Our curriculum emphasizes integrity, empathy, and compassion, crucial for healthy interactions in all spheres of life.

  • Empowerment and Leadership Training: Addressing the impact of social media on self-esteem and personal identity, our training sessions are geared towards building self-confidence, leadership skills, and a positive self-concept.

  • Professional Development and Personal Branding: We guide young individuals in crafting a personal brand that reflects their true self and aligns with their career goals, understanding its importance in today’s interconnected world.


Why Our Program Stands Out:

  • Comprehensive and Holistic Approach: We offer a well-rounded program that not only focuses on digital literacy but also on personal and professional development, including critical life skills like conflict resolution.

  • Supportive Learning Environment: Our supportive and nurturing approach creates a safe space for open discussion, learning, and personal growth.

  • Expert Facilitators and Current Content: With a curriculum that evolves with the digital landscape, our program ensures relevance and effectiveness in today's fast-paced world.


What the Rox data says:

  • 95% of 5th grade girls reported using social media, and 46% spend 6+ hours each day - up from 9% in 2017. Girls' social media use is correlated with negative body image and lower reports of confidence.

  • School is one of the top stressors for girls, followed by grades and friendships. 49% of girls say that drama and fighting make them dislike school.

  • Overall, 13% fewer girls described themselves as confident in The 2023 Girls" Index than they did in 2017. 5th grade girls experienced the steepest decline, with a drop from 86% to 68%.


"Right now is a hard time in society, especially for girls and young girls at that. They aren't sure how to navigate the world and are being pulled every which way. With social media and kids at school, girls are exposed to a lot of things. Some good and some negative. A lot of girls are worried about how they look, appear, sound, fit in, smell, appeal. Girls want to appeal to boys, and get their recognition from boys and girls. They want to feel wanted, and not left out. Because of boys, girls can turn on each other and when they are supposed to be there for each other, they go against each other in battle to win over guys. They want to feel loved, wanted and seen. They want to fit in." - 8th grade girl, California.

Girl Code Impact Report 

Step into the realm of transformation with the Girl Code Summer Program 2023. This dynamic initiative championed personal development, empowerment, and leadership among teen girls. This comprehensive report delves into the resounding success, showcasing data-driven achievements that underscore the program's remarkable impact.


Data-Driven Triumphs:

  1. Elevated Self-Confidence:

    • 85% of participants reported lacking self-confidence prior to the program.

    • A remarkable shift occurred, as 98% confidently expressed their opinions, embraced their self-worth, and navigated conflicts assertively.

  2. Tackling Media-Driven Rivalry:

    • Armed with CDC-backed data, we confronted media-induced rivalry and self-esteem issues head-on.

    • Participants emerged empowered, equipped with tools to combat negative influences and strengthen self-concept.

  3. Nurturing Positive Connections:

    • While half the participants initially experienced discomfort, 100% quickly embraced the program's supportive environment.

    • Friendships flourished, creating an enduring network fostered by collaborative projects and shared growth.

  4. Cultivating Leaders:

    • An impressive 78% of participants stepped into leadership roles, both within the program and beyond.

    • Through discussions, participants developed skills to lead conversations, express viewpoints, and influence positively.

  5. Championing Safety Advocacy:

    • All participants pledged to intervene against bullying and mistreatment, promoting safety awareness.

    • Armed with conflict resolution skills, 100% felt empowered to address issues proactively.

  6. Communal Synergy:

    • Our community partnerships fortified the program's impact, exemplifying collective dedication.

    • ‘Back to School’ donations, expert stylist involvement, impactful panel discussions, and holistic practices like yoga showcased shared commitment.

  7. Validation Through Parental Feedback:

    • Parents lauded the program's profound impact, witnessing newfound self-esteem and positive behavioral changes.

    • Participant enthusiasm, heightened self-awareness, improved leadership, and enriched relationships mirrored tangible outcomes.

Embracing Lasting Transformation: Our Girl Code Summer Program 2023 doesn't just create change; it ignites a movement towards self-discovery and empowerment. This impact report encapsulates the journey of growth, empowerment, and potential we bring to every participant. As we present these statistics and narratives, we stand as testament to the transformative journey that continues to unfold, creating lasting change and brighter futures.



"I am so ecstatic that my young teen daughter had the opportunity to have the ladies of Girl Code POUR so much INTO HER! The vision and mission of this organization is in alignment with the needs of those they serve.


It brought tears to my eyes when my daughter (who was initially apprehensive about participating) came home excited about what she learned each day.  She was engaged.  It allowed her to gain insight and more respect for the individual that she is! 


Girl Code set the stage for us to embark on those difficult conversations revolving around the many obstacles black young women are facing.  My daughter was able to connect with the strong women of Girl Code who are professional, bold and encouraging. It is so awesome that she saw herself in them as she aspires to be great!



This was a positively impactful and powerful experience! Hopefully, my daughter can continue these relationships. 


I appreciate you so much Chanel & Ladies of Girl Code!


Ms.Ebony parent of program participant


"This program needs to expand because so many girls need it"

- Program participant


"I loved the Girl Talk workshop because it gives everybody a chance to talk about what THEY think is going on, or what's going on personally, and it's a safe community so it was a good program because it let us talk about our emotions and a lot of people don't do that."

- Program participant


"I love this program because it gives you a connection to other women and you feel like you have a second home and you can really open up to these people without feeling judged or talked about after this; you can be open and vulnerable. I learned a lot!

- GC 7 week program participant


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